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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  October 22, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. horror at the spa. new details on the terrifying rampage by an ex-marine. killing three wounding four. women flee in bathrobes. a desperate search for the killer inside. we'll hear from the men who came face-to-face with the gunman. neck and neck, mitt romney and president obama tied for a race that's completely up for grabs right now. lost in intense preparations as we count down for the race. call on tape. stunning coverage of this as police dash camera is rolling. shockingly, he is okay. the tape is going wildly viral with the name "super pedestrian." ♪ we're never ever ever getting back together ♪ ♪
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and taylor swift in times square this morning as we're set to go one-on-one with the hottest star on the planet. her unprecedented two-day appearance begins right now. >> well, good morning, america. this is going to be so good! ♪ in times square, "red," abdom and times square is so packed. take a look. taylor swift in times square. they've been lined up all weekend long to see taylor swift. >> you can see why it's shooting to number one on itunes. look at all those fans. we're going one-on-one. >> one-on-one with taylor swift. good morning, america, as you know, robin is home. we're glad to have amy robach
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here. tonight in boca raton, florida, there you see the table where mitt romney and barack obama will be sitting down with bob schieffer. foreign policy is the focus tonight. this race as title as it possibly can be. >> wow, those chairs -- we also have our eye on a tropical system right now. could become a tropical storm, sam says in the next 24 to 48 hours. it could be heading for the east coast as well later this week. we know sam has his eye on that. >> he sure does. a lot of us have our eyes on this. brad pitt grabbed headlines for being the first man for the face of chanel number 5. and now it's getting spoofed. the question is is this a mistake for chanel? >> lots of attention there. want to get to first, the latest on the terrifying shooting that happened at a wisconsin suburban mall sunday.
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three people are dead, including the shooter, and four others wounds. abc's alex perez joins us from brookfield, wisconsin. alex. >> reporter: amy, good morning to you. we're told the gunman was the estranged husband of a woman who worked at the spa. police say she opened fire on her. >> be advised the possible shooter is an ex-marine. he may be still armed. >> reporter: witnesses say haughton stormed in, ordered everyone on the ground and started shooting. customers some still in robes, others barefooted ran out in panic. this man along with his son came face-to-face with the shooter as he stepped outside apparently looking to escape. >> when the suspect came around
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the corner, it really looked like he saw a deer in the headlights. he didn't expect us to be standing there. he ducked behind the building. >> reporter: moments later, police and s.w.a.t. surround the two-story building. police say haughton started a fire inside the building before shooting and killing himself. >> we were evacuating womene ii. getting calls from victims. >> reporter: she was reportedly killed police say her daughter also worked at the spa and witnessed the shooting. >> she said her stepfather was in the spa and was shooting as many people as he could. >> reporter: they said he and his wife has been estranged for some time. earlier, he was charged with allegedly slashing the tires on
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his wife's car. she was issued a restraining order. >> all i can say, i want to apologize to the people of milwaukee who have been hurt. he did not give me any hint of what he would do. >> now, the four victims who survived the shooting are expected to make a full recovery. on a separate note, this tragedy comes just about two months after the sikh temple shooting. that unrelated incident happened just about 25 miles from lower. >> alex, thanks very much. the race for the white house. it's "your voice your vote" with just 15 days to go, just hours before the final face-off in florida. new polls show the race completely up for grabs. jake tapper starts us off in boca raton. good morning, jake. >> good morning, george. that is right. it is anyone's stakes so the stakes are incredible high. tonight is the last time that the candidates have to present their case to the american people live in prime time.
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>> reporter: the only thing definitive is confusion about how this will end. gallup has romney up nationally up by seven points, and investors business has obama up by six. >> it's a very tight race. it's a competitive race. we always knew, in the sense it's coming down to a few states and a few votes. >> reporter: just as the polls are all over the map, so too will be tonight's debate over the international map focused on foreign policy and explosive stories about global hot spots such as "the new york times" reported that the u.s. for the first time has agreed in principle to unilateral talks about iran in the nuclear talks. and the diplomatic outpost in benef benghazi, libya. >> it took the president 14 days before he called the act in benghazi an act of terrorism. >> get the transcript. >> he did in fact call it an act
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of terrorism. >> reporter: a scene that provided tension. and last on "saturday night live." >> i'm willing to bet here and now that you have never, in your life, even once used the phrase terrorist act. >> get the transcript. >> governor, he has in fact used the phrase "terrorist act." >> candy, no, no, no. [ laughter ] >> i'm afraid he did. >> candy, please. >> reporter: the candidates spent the weekend in intense debate prep, the candidates reviewing materials and the president at camp david. romney did as well, but dined with his family at a diner in delray beach. and a game of flag football. >> figure out which of the players is best and take them out early. >> after tonight, of course, it is the homestretch race. the obama team thinks they can eke out a victory by holding out the states that john kerry won and picking up ohio and nevada.
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the romney campaign think they will stop him from doing that. >> let's bring in martha raddatz, martha, of course, moderated the vice presidential debate and matthew dodd. >> good morning. the focus tonight is on foreign affairs. a lot of new information coming out over the weekend, including that report in "the new york times" now denied that direct talks fwle s between the u.s. a could be coming soon. >> you notice they didn't take that story out of the papers. there's something going on diplomatically. anything going on diplomatically could probably help the president. also leaves a simple question to mitt romney, if there was a possibility for face-to-face negotiations one-on-one, would you do that or risk another war? >> and it seems to come down on both sides of the question. >> which has happened quite frequently during this campaign. you don't really know the difference between these men on a lot of different issues and i
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think iran is basically one of them. >> in the meantime, we've seen the latest poll out of the "wall street journal" 47/47. a dead heat either way. >> all of those seem to be converging on a dead heat either way. which makes this debate so important. and it really changes the dynamics of this race more than anything else. i think tonight's test is more a commander in chief, strong leader test. i think that makes it really important. >> it's also conceivable, martha, in this kind of debate when new issues are opened up, you see the kind of mistake that could make a difference as well. everyone remembers gerald ford in 1976, it could have cost him the race? >> that's exactly right. i'm surprise they had agreed to do a foreign policy debate for the last debate. >> we'll see what happens, bob
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schieffer the moderator. diane and i are here. right now to josh for the other morning headlines. good morning to you. we're beginning with gas prices. a new prediction that could fall from 50 cents per gallon. the questions now, why? and which states, abc's paula faris is here with answers. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, josh. help is on the way. just in time for the early holiday season. we're expecting gas to fall roughly kraft cents per gallon. look what the folks have been paying for, $3.66. that could go down. you want to know why, two main reasons, economic supply and demand. lower demand and winter blend. you may not get as much as from say the summer blend. who is going to feel it the
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most? states like alaska and california and new york. relief is on the way. definitely, josh, some welcomed news for all of us as we enter into the holiday season. >> indeed. paula faris thank you for that. developing story overseas. authorities say the 11 suspects that you see here planned to attack shopping malls and assassinate u.s. and british diplomats in jordan. they say the suspects smuggled explosives into the country from neighboring syria which is in the midst of a bloody civil war. that civil war also spilling into lebanon, violent crashes between sunni and shiite groups there erupted today. with the killing of a top intelligence official which many claim was carried out by the syrian regime. meanwhile, new photos of fidel castro appear to contradict rumors that he's on his deathbed.
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one shows him reading a friday newspaper. it was published by castro in which the 86-year-old brags he doesn't even suffer from headaches these days. and a horrific attack in california. a man threw a molotov cocktail to another man, you'll see him as he runs from the scene. he did survive, thanks to people nearby as he helps to put out the flames. a frantic mother raised to get her baby's stroller away from that just in time. we'll have updates as news warrant. and tonight it will not just be "monday night football" competing on tv with the presidenti presidential debate. there's also that important baseball game. the giants shut down the cardinals forcing a game seven. the tigers await. it should be quite a scene in san francisco. of course, it should also be quite a scene elsewhere. lots to get done tonight.
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>> that's for sure. >> all right, josh, thanks so much. we have some breaking news now on lance armstrong, the global governing body of cycling has just announced moments ago it will ban armstrong for life and strip him of his seven tour titles. abc's neal karlinsky joins us from seattle with the very latest on this breaking news. neal? >> amy, this is it. that is going on right now, officially stripping armstrong, banning him for life saying, quote, there is no place in cycling for lance armstrong. this is the final hurdle and not officially epic downfall. lance armstrong turning into a virtual outcast in just a matter of days. in what looked at time as more like a good-bye party than celebration, armstrong made two appearances this weekend but he didn't concede much. >> people ask me a lot, how are you doing? i tell them, i've been better.
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but i've also been worse. >> reporter: as his reputation, sponsorships and influence have falling off a cliff, the silence surrounding his message over the years has begun to crack. a former competitor testified in this deposition that armstrong was going to throw a race with a $1 million. >> what was the prize? >> 50? >> is it fair that you were not to challenge armstrong? >> that's correct. >> reporter: celina roberts tells story we heard repeatedly, whenever a doping question was raised it was met with threats and intimidation. >> i don't think there's really any politician or celebrity or athlete who has really put together the machinery to, you know, suppress reporting of that like lance armstrong has. >> reporter: former bicycling
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magazine writes, armstrong could make an advertiser disappear from our pages. armstrong said they tried to smear her when they heard she was investigating doping allegations. and she said livestrong was never far from the surface. something others referred to as his cancer shield. >> you're surrounded with the perception if you're not pro-lance, then, certainly, you're pro-cancer. >> a pile of multimillion-dollar lawsuits are coming next and he'll also have to return millions more in prize money. the trouble keeps coming for lance. amy. >> thanks very much. and now, any of you who think you have bad luck in neighbors. stick around for this surveillance video. it's a miami man. according to his neighbors, he's been at it for over a year. abc's john muller is here with the story.
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boy, john, nice guy. >> they call him the neighbor from hell. now, he's been arrested. miami homeowners say they were living in constant fear. things got so bad, they joined together and bought a surveillance camera. take a look at this video as an unidentified man throws a rock through a car window. and here, watch these unknown men spray gasoline on a car. and this, a boat bursting into flames. members of this miami community accuse mitchell igelko of all of these crimes, the a man they call the neighbor from hell, saying he hired others to do his dirty work. >> he's an angry guy, and he tries to intimidate you. >> reporter: police are still investigating those incidents and igelko has not been charged in them. but late last week, igelko was charged in criminal mischief and stalk something separate incidents. >> we have property damage and psychological damage. >> reporter: here cameras allegedly catch him throwing
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what looks like an egg at someone's house. and in this video, neighbors say it's igelko sprinkling bags of nails on driveways and lawns. >> i was getting flat tires, not only myself but everybody in the neighborhood. >> reporter: neighbors allege that this reign of terror started in 2008 when igelko started feuding with neighbors derhagopian. watch here as what appeared to be liquid squirting from the white truck. the next day, the grass was killed. neighbors say igelko was behind it. >> nobody should have to live like this. >> reporter: his lawyers say this is nothing other than an ongoing dispute. >> to suggest that my clients would vandalize his own home, burn his own grass, throw eggs on his own cars is absolutely
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preposterous. >> they told abc news they're waiting to get access to the tapes to better respond to the allegations. miami police are viewing those tapes and it's possible more charges could be pending. george, amy. >> wow. >> cameras don't lie. >> no, they don't. neither does sam champion. >> well -- >> but never under oath. george, never under oath. hey, take a look at these clouds, by the way, the "gma" three-day view south of jamaica. you'll notice what looks to be forming here to be a future tropical system so we'll watch it. here's what the models have with this storm doing, it's kind of in that zone until thursday-ish and it's making that and it's we know the storm is going to swing in that direction. we'll watch have carefully. 1 to 3 inches of rain in seattle. not just rain, some places will
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get 6 to 12 inches of snow. we'll look at that in the white zones, also the hot pink zones are where it will be. what a great weekend we had.
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there are a lot of 30's still on the map. today, most the seven and downright beautiful. check out your seven-day , pushing 80 by the middle of the week b >> gorgeous on the east coast. we'll have more weather in the next half hour. amy, george, lara, josh. >> sam. >> sam, thank you so much. coming up, new details on the neighbor accused of killing a 21-year-old woman after she is disappeared. plus, how alec baldwin's alleged stalker, she's on offense now saying her reputation has been ruined. and also brad pitt's new chanel 5 ad generating so many spoofs right now. and don't go anywhere, taylor swift, there she is arriving just moments ago.
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now walgreens pharmacists welcome express scripts members. you may stop by today for the service you trust. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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you may stop by today for the service you trust. president obama: i'm barack obamthis anncr: victims. dependent. that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaeeranted benefifits with a voucher syste. seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no ened your benefits. don't let mitt romney take them away.
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. on thismorning at 7:26 monday, october 22. early voting gets underway today where voters can cast s between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at this location. starting saturday, voters can
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at 8 earlyvotes voting centers around the city. foreign policy will take center stage when president obama and mitt romney debate for the third l time tonight. the candidates are expected to address many things during the minute face-off in florida. newschannel 8 will have much more on this in a few minutes. the marylandy on the beltway but there are some improvements. everything will be a bit slow at 214. here is the morning rush through germantown, rockville, down to the belt way from 270. it is gorgeous, what a
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beautiful sunrise this morning. our temperature in the district 49 degrees but look at 30's off to the west. it will shape up to be a day with mostly sunny skies, a 68-74 and the warming continue through the of the week. > we will be back
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the dreams, wake up and smile at reality. i'm sorry, is there really no script? i've been talking to myself for like two hours straight. i'm starting to sound insane. [ laughter ] >> "saturday night live" has fun at brad pitt's expense there. he did that chanel number 5 ad, generating spoofs all over the place. it's generating him $7 million, but is he taking a hit for it this morning? >> it's fair to say we saw that coming. >> good morning, everyone. robin is at home recovering from a bone marrow transplant. it's great to have amy here. also ahead, that 21-year-old who vanished on her way to starbucks, well, the suspect accused of killing her is said to appear in court today. this morning, her husband is speaking out in an exclusive interview. we're also going to have the latest on alec baldwin's
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stalker. she's going on offense. she said her reputation has been ruined, he can't get a fair trial. also, i don't think i need to tell you, taylor swift is taking on "gma." >> hi! hello. >> in in the studio with fans, surrounded by them. and george cannot wait to talk to her today. >> my girls are waiting for that as well. that's all coming up. we do have to shift gears, beginning with a sad story out of portland. the neighbor arrested for killing 21-year-old kimberly hykel. and abbie boudreau brings the story with her husband. >> good morning, they say they actually knew the man accused of killing her. now her husband wants answers. his morning, an acquaintance is
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20 miles away in a jell cell. splis say holt abducted and twilled the 21-year-old on the way to work in portland, oregon before dumping her body on this mountain. >> it's very difficult. i only had her a year and nine months together. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with abc news, clint hykel said the suspect who is also married lives in their apartment complex and attended their church. he said he really had take contain of the cats and plants when they were away. he said he even helped jonathan holt jump start his motorcycle a few weeks ago. >> she's kind, she didn't deserve this. just why? the question is why? >> reporter: police say they don't know that answer either. and have released few details about when holt approached whitney or if he's stalking her.
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and neighbors are just as confused. >> something snapped or something. you know, it's like something nobody expects of anybody. >> reporter: a heartbreaking loss and a husband still searching for answers. >> she was just a beautiful little person, just full of love. and was a ray of light to everybody. >> we tried reaching out to holt through his wife, but she did not respond. he will make his first court appearance later today. george? >> okay, thanks for more. let's bring in former fbi consultant brad garrett. and we learned a few details about how this couple new mr. holt. i guess that's the first thing the inverses are going after, the extent of the relationship. >> right, there may be none, george. this could be an attraction by whether holt or was he breaking into her car when she was going to work but something went drastically wrong in that parking lot.
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there's no indication that there was a relationship between the two of them. the police are going to have to try to figure out what was going on inside his head. >> how much of a case do the police have? >> well, it appears they've got a lot forensics. and what they haven't told us what do they have on surveillance cameras and other locations. but finding, apparently, his dna in the car. there were prints where his body was found. it looks to me they got a reasonable case forensically at this point. >> based on your experience, what would be your thumbnail profile of the shooter? >> well, if there is no relationship, it appears he had some sort of attraction for her, perhaps. when she came out to go to work, he approached her. maybe she ignored him or whatever. and something went wrong in the parking lot. and as a result, he must have grabbed her or injured her in the parking lot enough to drive her away. >> or as one of the neighbors said, he might have just
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snapped. brad garrett, thanks very much. now to the latest alec baldwin's alleged stalker trying to defend herself including tweets to the presidential candidates all this with her trial apparently a month away. >> she's very public right now. she is going on the offensive saying her reputation has been ruined, that she's been stoned in the public square by the media and that she can't get a fair trial because of baldwin's powerful new york connection. >> reporter: in a new interview given in french on canada's tv, sabourin said her story has been sensationalized. i would like to turn the page, she said, when prepares for the trial, every day i suffer from the pain, the fears and the expense, i can't work. it takes advantage of me. it humiliates me.
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>> you are saying you're innocent? >> reporter: the actress was charged with harassment and stalking, arrested after showing up outside of baldwin's new york apartment. baldwin told the police, the two went to dinner once. a favor he says, he did for a friend to give sabourin career advice. but she says the two were in a relationship. i just wanted to know his version so i could move on with my life, he says. i didn't believe he would tell me by phone or e-mail so i took a trip to new york. in court documents, baldwin tells a different story, saying sabourin sent him ten e-mails in march demanding a meeting, or, quote, she was going to start a massive destructive war with me. >> it's going to be clear that i haven't committed any crime. >> reporter: though it now says sabourin is confident those facts will come out, she's taken
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to twitter to new york's attorney general to prevent her from getting a fair trial. even tweeting barack obama and governor romney. >> by going on this twitter stage, he's made it in media even more. >> and it's proved that she wasn't stalking on facebook. but she can't get to those messages, when she found out he was dating baldwin's now wife, she unfriended him. >> more to come in court? >> that's correct. >> john, thanks very much. time for the weather and sam champion. >> hey, good morning, amy. big time storms load up in the midwest and continue through the week. take a look at the pictures, anywhere from hail to water spouts. if you moved inland, it was snow and rain. and big time today. it's dropped chilly weather over the west coast. seattle, you'll go from 50 to 40
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wednesday. salt lake city in the 40s as well. even vegas drops into the 60s by the time we get to wednesday. here's where the heat holds on. it's not perfect stormy weather where you see the heat. in st. louis there will be a string of storms that fire up in the daytime heat. enjoy it while you have it because in the same heat, this zone drops to 20 to 30 degrees good morning, everybody. what a great start to the work week. will just get better, 49 degrees at reagan national but have cooler 30's of to >> all of that weather was brought to you by prilosec otc. okay. coming up, the hilarious spoofs
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on chanel number 5. and she's hugging it out with fans now. look at that, taylor swift. she's here live. she'll be with us in just moments. ♪ new prilosec otc wildberry is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. satisfaction guaranteed nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. take the humble stevia plant, with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf.
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you're also giving a warm gesture of care. delicious hershey's chocolateh, with 30% less fat? new hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious. 7:43, we are back with big
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laughs being generated by this spoof of brad pitt as the first male face of chanel number 5. the original ads are being mocked mercilessly. it begs the question was it really worth it for chanel to be paid big bucks, or brad pitt, abc's cecilia vega has the story. >> reporter: it was the perfume ad with 6 million views. >> it's not a journey. >> reporter: the perfume ad starring that famous face. >> plans disappear. dreams take over. >> reporter: brad pitt is the first male spokesman ever for that famous brand and his first ad has just be everyone talking, even though most people are left asking, just what the heck he's talking about. >> i watched it again today. an i have to say it's even stranger than i remembered it from the first time. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the spoofs go on and on. from conan o'brien. >> it's not a journey.
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[ laughter ] every journey ends but we go on. >> reporter: to "saturday night live." >> and the dreams wake up and smile at reality. i'm sorry, is there really no script? because i've been talking to myself for like two hours straight, i'm starting to sound insane. >> reporter: to ellen degeneres. >> who let the dogs out? who? who? >> reporter:nd online, people aren't holding back either. just look at some of these comments for the ad on youtube. from it doesn't matter what he says, it's just sexy. to "worst ad ever." coco is spinning in her grave and yawn. love it or leave it, it's has been the ad for the fragrance that has been around nearly a century. >> it's not just about publicity, they generated millions of impressions and gotten a ton of publicity. this is a home run. >> reporter: other faces have
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been the face for this perfume before. >> my luck, my fate, my fortune. >> reporter: but none quite like this. >> i'm sorry, is it me or do i look super homeless? >> reporter: for "good morning america," cecilia vega, hollywood. and coming up here on "gma" -- pippa speaks out. the world's most famous sister is saying what stirred her up. and the anchor -- "the play of the day" anchor challenge. i started which means i've already won. take a look at this 600-pound fish and -- freeze it! is that the way they do it? it is now. "the play of the day" coming up next! of coffee simple. a delicious cup how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain,
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there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. quaker yogurt granola bars. you won't run into deals this big just anywhere. hurry into sears days for the lowest prices on appliances. use your sears card to get 50% off all kenmore wall ovens. or an extra 15% off all other appliances. this is worth running into. this is sears.
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marywe invest in them.umber one in america because but we can do even me. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote for question seven. with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee,
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and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. what will the next four years be like? one: the debt will grow from $16 trillion to $20 trillion. two: 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health care. three: taxes on the middle class will go up by $4,000. four: energy prices will continue to go up. and five: $716 billion in medicare cuts that hurt current seniors. five reasons we can't afford four more years of barack obama. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. here's "the play of the day"!
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>> so, this week, i decided to take the week off, but i couldn't really take the week off. so we cooked up an anchor challenge "the play of the day." you're all going to my job. and america is going to judge all of you individually. i'm told there's going to be a winner. you logon to on yahoo!. with no further ado, sam, entertain the people. >> it's really no challenge. this challenge is over, ladies and gentlemen. >> oh. >> take a look at this, when you decide to fight the fish in the sea. we go to as you yale tra. sometis, a 600-pound marlin that you're trying to fight, fights back. >> oh! >> oh! there it goes. everyone gets hit by flying debris. this thing gets onboard and gets offboard. with the fish caught. >> look at that. >> the fish was not caught. it was a sea rescue. >> oh, i get it. i see what you did. >> you got to toss this?
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>> there's much more, taylor swift's in the house. >> hot shot. all right. hot shot!
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the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react ke your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashilder visa credit car with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account
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and earn 75more than cards arning 1% cash back on almost everything. ♪
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. we have welcome metro red line the busy dupont circle station has reopened for about eightd for while crews installed new escalators. part of the metro plan to impre escalator and elevator reliability. police are talking with commuters and pedestrians on in capitolnue heights, looking for information find a gun man that shot and and 18-year-old as he o school on september 11. newschannel 8 will have an in- theh report coming up at
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top of the hour. let's check on the roads. virginia needed of ae extra time because crash on georgetown pike. route 7 is slower than normal and that stretch. no problems to report but the hour on 395 as you the belt way toward king street. the beltway in maryland is still centralo recover near ave. was a pretty picture on 395. we can see the fall colors to out and enjoy it this weekend. will be gorgeous as well. for today, mostly sunny skies, a 68-74 degrees and check out the day forecast, warming to
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80 degrees by wednesday. we will be back at 8:27.
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♪ okay, america -- ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ >> you will never ever have more fun in the morning than this. >> it's going to be so good. >> for the next two mornings, look who is here. >> good morning, america. >> it's a taylor swift exclusive. >> are you ready? >> yeah, we're ready. now, say good morning to taylor swift! ♪ >> how ready are they in times square right now? right now, huge crowd, so excited. they've been lining up for most of the weekend here. all to say taylor swift right here on "good morning america." look at the the fans in the studio as well. good morning to you all of you.
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robin is home recovering from her bone marrow transplant. taylor swift. >> hi! this is crazy. this is insane. >> does this ever get old? >> no, this is insane. that's so many people. thank you for doing this. >> thank you to you. >> and josh is going to have a surprise for you. >> you got me a present? >> yeah. >> i love presents. >> for you. >> it's your very first copy of your ever produced cd "red." >> first off the presses. >> oh, my. that's the first one? >> yes. oh, you guys! thank you so much! [ cheers and applause ] >> we should hug. that's awesome. thank you. >> thank you. >> wow. >> we give you copies of your own album. >> thank you so much, guys. you know what, i just kind of scanned through. >> is there an artist that you would ever run out to buy the first cd, stand out in the rain
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and sunshine for hours to see? >> probably joni mitchell. for sure, definitely. >> that's a cool one. >> or james taylor. >> yeah. >> you're crazy, you guys. right there, it's real. >> well, we love having you. more to come, coming up, everybody. she's cute. she's here. also ahead on the show, pippa is speaking out. the world's most famous sister is now revealing how she really feelabout being famous for her bottom. and also her stunning rise to fame. how does she feel about that. >> i was wondering how you were going to do that. >> i tried to be elegant and lady-like. >> it was, it was. and justin timberlake and jessica biel, they tied the knot. mazel tov.
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we've got the first look. we're going to begin with the third and final debate between president obama and governor mitt romney. this shows that the race is essentially a dead heat. tonight's debate is going to be focusing on foreign policy. mitt rney expected to criticize the president's handling of the recent attack in libya and press him for intentions in israel. meanwhile, more details about that deadly shooting rampage at a day spa in milwaukee. investigators say three people were killed and four wounds before the gunman radcliffe haughton turned the gun on himself. his wife worked at the spa. she had taken a restraining order against him last week after he was arrested for slashing her tires. and it's a quote, lance armstrong has no place in cycling, end quote. that decision handed down by the international cycling union which is accepts the anti-doping
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scathing report on armstrong. so it will strip him of his seven tour de france titles and ban him from the sport for life. and a rally for held for aaron fisher, the 18-year-old better known as victim number one of the jerry sandusky victim. he said he once followed his bus home from high school, chasing after him in his car, even after he started running away. in an exclusive interview with abc's chris cuomo, fisher said he contemplated suicide. gas prices are coming down. the holiday flights are filling up fast. fares on many routes already higher than last year and are well above the prices two years ago. orbitz recommends booking your flights before the end of this
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month. finally, shocking video. we talked about it at the beginning of the show. an unsuspected pedestrian who wanders into the path of a police car. take a look. >> wow, wow. >> here's the thing, he jumped up off the windshield and walked away. >> that's unbelievable. >> walked away. >> wow. >> wow. >> incredible stuff. >> oh, boy, he's okay, josh? >> i will say, when i cross the street here, i will think about that all the time. >> that's quite a vertical leap. >> it's like in the video game frogger on any given day. >> yes. >> wow. >> it's like going from the news to "pop news." >> good morning, everybody. happy monday to you. and we are six months away from the release of iron man 3, hang on, tony stark fans we've got a sneak peek for you. this is a "gma" exclusive. it's a taste of what's to come. and you will not see it anywhere
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else. take a look, there's robert downey jr. back as tony. don sciutto will reprise his role as brody. and gwyneth. and you caught a glimpse of guy pearson there as well. this was a quick teaser to whet your appetites "ironman" fans. >> i loved this movie. lovelied it. not a better movie. >> yes. >> i liked it a lot. your passion for it -- >> i'm so glad. >> is that a riddle? >> fighting crime, i think. >> "love ironman." hey, also "pop news" everybody, we're guessing the song that adele is singing this morning are lullabies. the grammy winner giving birth over the weekend.
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>> oh, wow. >> rumor has it she and her boyfriend simon are ecstatic about the baby's arrival. no word on what the baby's name is yet. but turned adele into the biggest heartbreak of 2011, we're starting to hear more about the new man in her life. congratulations. hey hello to mrs. justin timberlake, everybody. jessica biel is spotted out for a post-wedding stroll. this is the first look at her after tying the knot over the weekend. they said "i do" in a secret -- well, kind of not that secret star-studded festivity in italy saturday. adam sandberg, beverly mitchell. i heard jimmy fallon was there. and the bride and groom were showered with flower petals after taking the wows and headed
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to an unknown locale for a honeymoon. and finally, everybody, halloween came to new york a little early this year. the city hosted the mother of all dog parades. this is not just any canine celebrations. we're talking hundreds of dogs in halloween getups. and they showed up for the 22nd annual compton square park. pooches ready to show off costumes everything from evita to -- >> that's evita. >> and then there's that one. >> oh! >> oh! come on. >> whoa, whoa, wait. it was this coming close to being the happiest, sweetest "pop news" of all time. >> and then -- >> well, but she did quote winston churchill. >> it's true. it's true. >> come on. >> you're a woman for all
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seasons. >> i really am. >> you really are. >> you're many things. >> many things. now the weather. no, just say no. no. hello, everybody. taylor swift -- back up just for a second for me. and tell me your names. >> michelle. >> michelle, that is amazing. how did you do that? you hot glued each of those on? then spin over here and take a look at the taylor swift drawing all the way down -- all the way down -- taylor, you have the most artistic fans in the world. i've never seen the most beautiful stuff made. that's incredible. let's get to the boards here. live shot from chicago. we'll show you this area all because these temperatures are so warm, you're going to say, hey, this isn't october. but this changes. watch the oos in the front slide in the middle of the country. likely to fire up thunderstorms there.
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by the end of the week, those temperatures take a tumble. so if it's dry outside, enjoy your opportunity. pittsburgh, 70 degrees. even gorgeous in times square. why wouldn't it be? taylor swift is here for two good morning, our weather is starting out very nicely. will warm things up over the next couple of days. 50 degrees at reagan national out west, we have plenty of 30's. skies,ay, mostly sunny be in thees will 60's ander seven-day forecast is looking for a high around >> you're looking -- back insid to -- >> lara! >> lara!
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>> thank you so much, sam. here's a look at what's coming up on the "gma" menu. pippa and what her stunning sister has to say about her sudden rise to fame. >> and taylor swift is taking over. she is answering your questions this morning. you do not want to miss it. and fergie is speaking out. her revealing interview with oprah. you don't want to miss it live in times square. years ago, my doctor told me to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff.
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[ male announcer ] centrum silver. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete. with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know... demonstrating how we blend the fruits. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. but all you notice is her beautiful, healthy skin. jergens ultra healing moisturizer makes even your driest skin look healthier, instantly. with beautiful skin from jergens, you'll always make an entrance. jergens®. the beautiful difference. anancr: at jennie-o we think some things are worth getting up early for ananclike a better breakfast at jennie-o so on august eighth
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we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you
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i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston.
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nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ male announcer ] we're excited by trends. ♪ and mng brings the best to your neighborhood jc european style that makes every day better. ♪ get it on ♪ bang the gong [ male announcer ] at jcp, we're into the i jeans attitude. it's what you put on when you're going out. what you feel good in. feel better every day in i jeans by buffalo. at truly low prices. ♪
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taylor mania here in times square. she's coming up in just a bit. but first, it's been a whirlwind year for pippa middleton. and after so much time in the spotlight, she is finally opening up in her brand-new party planning book what it's really like skyrocketing to fame. abc's lama hasan is are in london with the latest on that. >> good morning, amy. well, it was a daerriere that launched a thousand clicks and pippa became the talk of the town. now we're getting a look into her new found fame. >> reporter: for the first time, the world's most famous maid of honor is opening up about the ups and downs of fame. in an excerpt from her new party-planning book celebrating a year of festivities for families and friends," the 20-year-old writes it's a bit
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startling to achieve global recognition if that's the right word before the age of 30 on account of your sister, your brother-in-law and your bottom. >> i think the book and everything around is trying to forge her way and identity away from her parents and sister. >> reporter: she continues "i'm a typical girl in her 20s trying to forge a career and represent herself in what can sometimes seem rather strange circumstances." middleton doesn't shy away from discussing those circumstances, instead, addressing the elephant in the room head on. it feels even stranger to me than it probably does to you to have seen so much written about me when i've done so little to paint a picture of myself. this is my first chance to do that." and now we're just learning there's talk of another book in the pipeline for pippa on -- wait for it -- how to plan a wedding on a budget. it's safe to say she won't be asking her sister kate for any tips on how to throw a wedding on a shoestring.
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>> i think no one is more precise than her in how famous she's become in a short period of time. >> reporter: and middleton knows she has a solid network of supporters behind her writing "the nurturing of family and friends at home seems more satisfying to me than anything." word on the street kate will probably not be there because duty calls for hubby william will be working. amy. >> lama hasan, thanks so much. now, for the moment everyone has been waiting for, george? >> that's right, taylor swift is right here in times square. she has three number one albums in a row, now, the newest album "red" number four. you've done it again. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> look at the fans out there. >> this is crazy. there's so many out there. in here and out there. i'm blown away. >> this album "red" you've
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branched out here. with all kinds of partners and i see you called it your most adventurous. what did you mean by that? >> i think for me, i've explored the edges of what i'm allowed to do. exploring, kind of pushing myself and taking myself out of my comfort zone which is writing alone and going and working with my heroes, songwriters who have influenced me my whole career. it's really challenged me in the best way possible. >> what's different about writing from somebody else? >> well, everybody has their own process. some start with writing a track. everybody's got a different way of doing things. what it felt like was, being 22, kind of learning from my absolute heroes and scomplooring how they do what they do. and it was really amazing learning experience. >> and my little girls have been walking around the house for weeks singing "never, ever, ever getting back together."
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i don't think they understand. >> 7 and 9? >> 7 and 10. >> no, i'm glad they're singing it. >> now, i know you're not going to name the man who this is about. i read somewhere it was designed to drive the ex absolutely crazy. what is that about? >> i only said that once maybe, on a bad day. but i think for me, like music is my way of understanding what i'm feeling. when i started writing songs when i was 12, i would like run to my room and write songs about a difficult day at school, or something like that. and it's kind of carried me my whole life. and allowed me to kind of filter through really complicated emotions and make them simple. >> what comes to you first? the theme, the feeling, the tune? >> well, it's always different. sometimes, it's a fragments of lyric and melody. sometimes, it's a backup lyric or post-hook. something like that. it's like getting it and at that point, you figure out where it
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is in the grand scheme of things and fill in the song. >> you've gotten all kinds of questions on twitter. one comes from the lucky one 1313 who wanted to know which song on "red" was the hardest to write? >> it took me a long time. it started being like a ten-minute song which you can't put on an album. and i had to filter it down to a story that could work in the form of a song. and i called my friend and co-writer liz rhodes and said, come over, we've got to filter this down. it took me a really long time to get it to its final form. >> so in some ways are you writing all the time? >> yes, all the time. i wrote a new one two days ago. >> wow. >> it doesn't matter if i'm preparing for a record or about to put one out. writing is just the way i live and i write about the way i'm living. >> if you were to write a song about your love life right now, happy song, sad song?
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>> i don't really talk about my love life. i kind of sing about it a lot. i really think it sounds more poetic and romantic with music behind it. >> and it's much truer to you that way? >> yeah. and my fans know i'm going to give them the real version of what happened to me in my music. and they know what i read on blogs or whatever may or may not be true. and they can kind of tell a hit that's true or not because they know me. >> what have you learned about how to navigate your whole private life in such a public -- when you're living in such a public place? look at the all the team out here right now? >> i don't mind any of that at all. there's nothing wrong with that. but there is sort of the pressure to not make a mistake. and i'm at an age where you're supposed to be learning lessons and all that. making mistakes and it's okay. but, you know, i have to minimize the mistakes that i make because it's important that i -- that i -- i have these
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people that count on me. so that's part of it. that i have come to terms with, you know. >> i think you're doing pretty well, not making too many mistakes. >> that's nice. >> ready for a lightning round? >> lightning round? i love lightning round. >> okay. there it is right now. you're on the hot seat. appropriately addressed this morning. number one, favorite tv show. >> "csi," law and order, "grey's anatomy," girls. >> all good ones right there. first celebrity crush? >> taylor hansen. >> you are fast. what's your hidden talent. >> on teak shopping and putting together my frengiends apartmen when they're not there. >> lara, did you hear that. antique shopping. go-to comfort food? >> cinnamon toast kind of cereal or pop tarts. >> do you know who you share a
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famo famous comfort food with? robert pattinson. >> wow. >> i can't believe i know that. what is your favorite place in the whole world and why? >> my favorite place in the whole world is nashville because it's my home and music city. everybody there is so creative and nice, everybody is really friendly which is good. >> you are so good at this game. >> thank you. >> we have one from swiftness 13 who writes "you've achieved so much so far, what's left on your list that you really want to achieve? >> lots. i think, you know, for me, i would love to -- i would love to have this album be something that really i'm proud of and put together the tour. and have it be a show that worth people paying their money spending the evening with us to see it. you know, i want to make this show better than anything i've done before. >> of all the new kiensnds of mc
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you've tried which one was the most fun or challenging? >> the one that was the most fun was a song called "i knew you were trouble." i started it on piano. i knew at the end of the chorus, i wanted to have this crazy bass drop. i brought it to my co-writers who very amazing. we tipped this song. i didn't think my music would ever go. >> your parents have done so much for you. they moved to nashville many years ago when you wanted to start out. we got another question from keith sergeant who wanted to know how your parents are adjusting to your success? >> they're great with it. my dad is like -- he goes around with all these guitar picks from my tour in his pocket and hands them to strangers, and he's like, hey, i'm taylor's dad. he. makes friends everywhere he goes and loves it. my dad's like the friendliest guy in the world.
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and my mom is really sweet because she has really great taste and really logical opinions. so i ask her for advice about everything. we're reallylose. >> finally, judy wants to know what in life brings a smile to your face? >> oh, my god, so much. mostly like cats -- mostly cats. >> mostly cats. taylor swift, thank you so much. you are going to be back tomorrow. live performance right here in times square. ahead, we're going to reveal the winner of the taylor swift contest who is also going to be here tomorrow to see her perform. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a lot more coming up in the next half hour. ♪
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning at 8:27. the parents of a 14-year-old hagerstown girl who died in suing an energy company. daughter went afterardiac arrest two 24-ounce monster drinks in 24 hours. teenagerorney says the t condition and the is not says it for death. president obama and mitt romney will face off tonight in their third and final debate. it will focus on foreign policy. newschannel 8 will have an in- in a report coming up couple of minutes. let's check on the roads. still on 66 busy
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westbound in fair oaks with a car overturned. incidentsnot had any off the beltway, is stop and go past the pentagon. in maryland, the beltway of georgia avenue has an accident off to the shoulder. morning, what a beautiful star of this morning, degrees of reagan national very light.s are to as much cooler to the west virginiay in northern where we are hanging on to some 30's. be a beautiful day with and we will skies to warm up through the middle of the week. >> we will be back at 8:56.
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♪ you've seen them all morning. this wild crowd here for taylor swift, lining up since last night. and now they are taking over times square. and taylor swift taking over "gma" again tomorrow, unforgettable performance. she's going to sing a new hit. we cannot wait for that. good morning, america. you know, robin is home recovering from a bone marrow transplants. i'm sure she's watching. >> got to be home dancing. we've been talking about this all morning long, we actually had thousands of you writing in, hoping to be the new fan to see taylor swift perform live on "good morning america." now, the big moment has revealed. it's time to reveal the winner. drum roll. the winner is sarah jones! and she is joining us, she's home in cedarville, north
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carolina. congratulation, sarah. you've won the trip to new york. how are you feeling? >> i think we just saw. >> and sarah, look! i know while you gather yourself, look who's here to say hello. >> hi, how's it going? >> oh! >> oh, my god. i'm so happy, i get to say hi to you. >> oh. >> i just wanted to say, i'm so happy i get to say hi to you. and i'm so happy i get to meet you and give you a hug tomorrow. thank you so much for coming. >> that's great. that's great. >> that is fantastic. >> oh. >> congratulations, sarah. >> i'll see you tomorrow. >> it's going to take a while to recover from that one. >> she's breathing now. >> awesome. >> if that wasn't -- it was so great. another wonderful person on the
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show today, gerard butler is here. loved his movies. oh, look at that. he loves you, taylor. >> oh. >> they put every one of those on that heart. >> i hope he made that. i love what he made. >> you're going to love his new movie. he's got a new movie, called "chasing maverick." it's a surfing film. he's going to tell us what happened. he almost got hurt. it's a good movie. >> speaking of taking the plunge, this morning, how about adorable diving dogs. nothing better than this. inside the splash, taylor, are dogs almost as cute as cats? >> yes, it's so cute right now. >> yeah. >> underwater. >> they'd be fine. they'd be great. >> on the inside. >> we got a whole lot coming up.
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let's get to the latest from superstar halle berry. she joins fellow oscar winner tom hanks playing different characters over 12 centuries. and cameron mathison got the on-cam transformations. >> reporter: halle berry may be recognized in roles like "die another day." and monster ball. >> you make me feel real good. >> reporter: on the set of this, halle got no recognition from her daughter looking like this. >> i've got this rotating thing on my eye. that just blew me and my daughter away. she was fairly freaked out. when i finally said, hi, honey, i saw her leave her body. and i don't think she's still over the fact that so frightened her. i mean, the teeth just made my breath smell. >> reporter: breathtaking for halle. >> what's going on in here? >> reporter: playing six
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characters over several centuries in "cloud atlas." >> i start out playing this character in the 1800s. and i eventually evolve. an extraterrestrial high priestess person. we find over souls in other time periods. >> reporter: other souls include tom hanks, susaner sarandon. and hugh grant. >> i had several conversations before i knew it was hugh grant. it reverberates hundreds and hundreds of years. if you look throughout history you can see how actually it's affected where we go. in my life, i think about what images i'm modeling for my daughter, decisions that i'm making how that will affect her in her life.
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>> reporter: just in general, how are things going for halle berry? >> it's okay. just living life. >> reporter: it's easy to think, wow, halle berry's got it made. do you have it made? >> it's what having it made is. do i have a daughter that is the love of my life? okay, i have it made. acareer? okay, i have it made. amazing friends and families, things that make me feel like i have it made. like everybody else, i've got the challenges of, you know, motherhood, and this world that i live in, it's not always the easiest to navigate. i feel a lot of pressure sometimes being a publipublic f. and i'm mindful of everything i say sometimes. sometimes, that's hard to bear. just one person with my own opinion. i'm mindful of that. that's really portant. >> reporter: "good morning america," i'm cameron mathison
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in los angeles. >> "and cloud atlas" opened nationwide on friday. now to sam. >> yeah, we're taking pictures. taking pictures with the crowd. still, the most amazing piece of artwork i've ever seen. show the other side of it. not one side is good enough, both sides. that's fantastic. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on we want to show you. as you head outside your doors, we'll start with fairhope, alaska, beautiful shot -- no, that's alabama. i know sam, our weather producer is actually in alabama. that's one of our favorite drives from mobile up to birmingham. beautiful drive. port angeles, washington. sacramento, portland, medford, all in line to get one to two inches of rain solid. a little elevation on this rain, you'll pull down two to three inches of rain.
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it's six to 12 inches of snow at could monday morning. what a beautiful day. this whole week will be looking great. tff to the west, 40 degrees a >> for the next couple of days. all that weather is brought to you by jcpenney. oh, amy? >> hi, sam. i can barely hear you, but i think you just threw to me. thank you. the new season of the comedy hit "happy ending" starts tomorrow. the first episode starts with a real surprise. elisha cuthbert is one of the stars. we're happy to have you here. >> hi. >> new york in october doesn't work well with sleeveless dresses. >> i know. >> it begins with your character
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jilting her fiance at the altar. this time, it's different? >> this time, it's crazy. it's been fun. >> we have a look at your career episode where you reveal the big news. >> big news out of this corner, these two are going to meet with a real estate agent and look at apartments these days. stop! before you start, stop in your tracks. >> we know what you're thinking. that we're moving too fast. >> jane, you're probably like, bad idea, i'm going to my kegel exercises. and you're thinking bad idea. >> and brad like hell no, you two are moving in together! turkeys. >> don't even say it like that. >> wow, you guys talk fast. the dialogue is great. what's it like on the show? >> it's like that, it's so much fun.
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you know, we've been doing this for three years now. we have so much fun together as a group. and we're really lucky. and we just have such great fans and support, so it's been great. >> we should mention that you're lucky in love. congratulations. you just got engaged to your long time love nhl player dion phaneuf, right? >> you said it right. it was a beautiful surprise. >> you've been dating since 2008? >> yes, five years now. >> it's about time he got down on one knee. i am a huge -- was a huge "24" fan. i loved your character, kiefer sunderland's daughter. everyone wants to know if there's going to be a movie? >> i think there there be a movie. >> so you're in it, if there's a movie? >> i'm in it, absolutely. >> you've been in show business since a little girl. you were a foot model at the age
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of 10? >> yeah. >> and we found an earlier appearance of yours there "are you afraid of the dark," it's a nickelodeon show. look how cute you are. >> i know. >> look how far you've done? >> i think i've grown a little bit. thank god. >> how does it feel? >> it's been a slow and steady slim climb. i got to do the drama "24." and having so much fun. and now engaged, life is good. >> we're glad to have you here. thank you so much. you are lovely. the new season of "happy endings" premieres tomorrow at 9:00, 8:00 central right here on
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♪ what a crowd here in times square. and we are back with gerard butler. surfing his way into theaters this friday. in a new film called "chasing maverick." it tells the true story of jay mortarty. he's a 16-year-old who takes on the most dangerous places to surf. and jerry is a man who teaching jay how to tackle the waves.
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congratulations on this film. not only are you starring in it, but you're producing. it's a passion of sorts? >> yeah, it's a very inspiring, very moving, powerful story. and i thought, this is a perfect opportunity, one, for me to learn to surf. two, tells the story for everybody. for kids, the grown-ups. the kind of movie that wants to make you eat up life. it doesn't to be surfing. >> something that makes you want to tackle? i used the word "tackle" for a reason? >> i went to san diego with my cousin and i could barely get in the water and i thought, i'm going to make a fool of myself. eventually, i thought it would be a sport i'd love to take up. for this film, i harnessed the idea. that explains to me how hard it is to become a surfer, how dangerous it is and how exciting it is. >> we actually have video in the
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film. you got really, really hurt. can we roll that video that shows you -- >> nobody has seen that. >> let's see. there you go. >> there we go. it was like a tsunami coming in. and then just -- look at that. that's crazy! even though i see it now, it brings back memories. and i just didn't come back up really. i was down for that wave. and i was down for a long time, turning, turning and the next wave came over and i started to think, wow, i'm going to die making a movie. >> wow, the weight of the water on you and trying to get out. >> somebody described maverick's day as liquid hell. because the water was very dark and heavy. there's just a lot of water there. it's a much deeper surf so it takes you down farther. you can go down 25, 30 feet. and it also took my board off of me. so i was just churning down there. >> have you since gotten up and dusted yourself off? >> yeah, yeah. i was surfing two days ago.
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>> i want to show everybody. you play a character called frosty. and you are the teacher. this is a part where jay asks you to train him to take on the maverick? >> one bump on the face of that wave and you're hitting water like concrete 50 miles an hour. and you have a thousand tons of water coming down on top of you. it's knocking you senseless, whipping you apart, pushing you down into a place that's so deep and so dark, you don't want to be there. >> so why do it? >> get out of here. i got work to do. >> train me then. train me to ride it. >> "chasing maverick." the flying scotsman. that's what we'll call you now on your surfboard. it's not just about surfing. you do call it a relationship
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film. >> yeah. >> tell me why. >> really, this is a story, it's about following your dream. what is your dream? it's about eating up every moment. this kid came along and he just had this thing in his ad, he's willing to sacrifice everything to do that. he really brought out the father figure in frosty. frosty went through a hard time. and there was his surprising relationship that builds. and also about the people you meet in life as you're trying to aceve your dreams and your achievements. and i think that's what's really touching and surprising about the movie. >> really, really a great part to the movie. we just saw images. beautiful. we've got to go, how do we do it in surf talk, how do we go? >> that's it. whenever i do it, i'll call you -- yeah, see you later. >> call me maybe. everybody check out "chasing
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maverick." opens friday nationwide. and we thank you for being with us. >> thank you. us. >> tas governor, i cut five billion dollars in spending
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and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i apprprove this message ...because we'llk ork together to restore fiscal responsibility,
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grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. ♪ back now with the photo shoot that's been given us if nothing else, a different look at man's best friend. a photographer went diving with a bunch of dogs, snapping shots at faces they made taking underwater mruvngplunges. our cameron mathison is back with the story. >> reporter: they are the pictures that set social media abuzz. over 150 million views. dogs in the most unlikely of poses. ♪ it's a project that was the brainchild of seth castillo.
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today, he's hard at work. yeah, he's hard at work. that's is why seth may have the most dangerous job in america. >> i photograph dogs and photograph cats. of course, the coolest project is underwater dogs. i got this photographing dogs a couple years ago. that's what i'm doing lately, photographing dogs in pools. >> reporter: it all started with a king spaniel named buster. >> he has crazy hair style. >> reporter: and more than 80 shots have inspired a picture book appropriately titled "underwater dogs." >> let's to bear. >> reporter: seth went to the photo shoot for one of his favorite subjects, a border collie. with the housing, the pool. a game of fetch to get him
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running, so to speak. >> drop it. >> reporter: and then baby steps. >> wait. good. >> reporter: before long -- well, you get the picture. >> good girl! >> reporter: and the shoot has taken off, in the water shooting video along with seth to see how it looks under the surface. seth even let me take a turn with the real camera. >> wow. >> reporter: and that photo not in the book. seth said he's an equal opportunity photographer. >> there we go. >> little dogs, true bred dogs, puppies, senior dog, all of them participate in this. >> reporter: so what is this that makes this seth's calling? >> i'm drawn to the emotion of the dogs. when they jump in the pool you see all of these different things, primal, hilarious. somebody asked me would you ever
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photograph a wedding? i said only if it's two golden retreeievers getting married. i said only if it's two golden retreeievers getting married. >> i wanted this for my dog! take away his toys and he'll play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut collaie aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yethat's exactly what mitt romney wants to do...
8:54 am pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ and we all know that music. what a happy way to start a monday. it's been great. taylor swift will be back here tomorrow performing live right here in times square. >> do not miss it! >> no! ♪ >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. at 8:56.orning georgetown university students alert after a violent home invasion. saturday morning, two students
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who live off campus found a man inside their row house. man attacked them and they have minor injuries. they do not say how he got into the home. appp is out that will make to explore arlington national cemetery. it helps family members and the find grave sites and cemetery's history. on itunes. this let's check on roads. we are trying to clear it out but whistle of a couple of .roblems rison crashed on shady grove road at 270. leaving college
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spring, there's a lot of volume on the ever loop. on the virginia and her loop tyson's,pringfield to has stop and go. you will see more sunshine. 50 degrees right now, sunny skies, a light wind and it will to be a beautiful day with temperatures in the upper to lure 70's. we are talking 77 tomorrow, 80 before ourwednesday gradually go down again. >> thank you for watching. we will be back at noon. "live with kelly and michael" is next. [ mitt romney ] we have to work on a collaborative basis.
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look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we fa this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america but we need to have leadership -- leadership in washington that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat. i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.


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